Stencil Cleaning

The award winning high efficiency Gensonic Stencil Cleaning system is the definitive stencil cleaning system. Using a 40kHz on-contact ultrasonic transducer for high efficiency cleaning of stencil apertures, It can be used either in conjunction with our Stencil Cleaning Centre’s or portable enough to be taken directly to the printer.

Screen printed solder pastes tend to compact and trap particles into aperture corners and Lead Free solder pastes, that are less dense, tend to demonstrate this tendency even more.

To clean effectively requires both cleaning chemistry and mechanical agitation. Direct Ultrasonic Contact cleaning is the ultimate way to clean SMT stencils. Employing a 40kHz ultrasonic generator, the single transducer head cleans with great efficiency even in tougher applications such as partially set glues.

Can you afford just 1 partial or totally blocked stencil aperture?

Designed, Developed and Manufactured by Gen3 at a price you won't believe.

Key Features
  • High efficiency cleaning of stencil apertures 
  • Hand held portable cleaner 
  • Suitable for stainless steel & Plastic Stencils
  • 3minute cycle 
  • Accepts foils & framed stencils
  • 40kHz on-contact ultrasonic transducer
  • Single transducer head
  • Less than 50ml of cleaning solution per stencil
Technical Specification
300 x 210 x 90mm (L x W x H)
Internal Bias Voltage
220-240 volt ac 50Hz, 1 amp OR 110 volt ac 60Hz, <2 amp
3.7 kgs
Stencil Centre
Stencil Cleaning Center:
SCC24 - for 584 x 584mm Stencils     
SCC29 - for 740 x 740mm Stencils

Contact us for the latest software for the Gensonic Stencil Cleaner. 


The Gensonic Accessories are; 
Transducer Head 
Foot Switch 
Customer USB 

Additional Options include:
Stencil Cleaning Table

Tech Papers
Tech Papers

We pride ourselves on the quality of our technical back-up to customers and believe that the most effective communication tool is to offer a comprehensive range of support information through our free TechShot™ service.

TechShot™ includes:

  • Latest news and updates from GEN3
  • A forum where you can share your questions to be answered
  • Industry leading advice
  • Technical articles, videos and presentations
  • User manuals for troubleshooting



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